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Damiana Alves | Treinamento e Assessoria remota

Foto do escritorDamiana Alves

The New Elevator Pitch: Share Your 'Why,' Not Your 'What'

I can remember a few years ago when, by chance, I found myself having a conversation with an investor in the education business. I began to open up to him about my vision for reimagining ESL learning.

I recognized there wasn’t anything logical about why he should be interested in my idea. I didn’t have much to show for it like a fancy website, sponsors or a big social media presence, but I did have one thing that set me apart—passion. I was able to convey my “why” behind my project, the burning need I felt for the education system to expand its horizons to prepare students for their career paths. She was immediately enrolled, and on the spot she invited me to present my idea 1 week.

This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten doors to open for me simply because the other person could feel the passion in my heart behind my idea. In fact, it’s the #1 thing that’s set me apart and helped my businesses take flight in the world.

That’s because the culture around business is shifting—as Simon Sinek famously said, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

The classic elevator pitch, in which we share “what” we do, is outdated. People are no longer swayed by a list of credentials; they are desensitized to it. Instead, they want to feel something when you share your idea, which is why your cause is the first thing you should lead with.

Ninety-four percent of Millennials today would switch brands to support a cause. It’s clear—the trend is towards impact and service.

So how do you craft a pitch that instantly enrolls others in your “why”? One entrepreneur whose “why” is spreading like wildfire can teach you.

Meet Jack Delosa, a serial entrepreneur, investor, and the founder and CEO of The Entourage, Australia’s largest education institution for entrepreneurs, which has over 300,000 members. He’s also a two-time bestselling author,has been featured in popular publications like GQ and Men’s Health, and has over 10,000 hours of speaking experience for audiences like TEDx, AMEX, Virgin, and Microsoft.

2. In your pitch, verbalize what your audience craves. “Every great entrepreneur can verbalize things for their audience better than they can for themselves,” Delosa says. “Because they’ve obsessed about it. You need to understand your consumer better than they understand themselves.” Your company’s “why” should speak to something deep within your audience that they want, but haven’t been able to verbalize themselves. Steve Jobs says, “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” In taking the time to understand your audience, you can offer them the “solution” to their innermost yearnings. You can present them an idea that immediately satisfies something deep and unmet.

For example, Delosa’s company, The Entourage, offers consumers who are dissatisfied with traditional education an alternative education, in which anyone with the right commitment to the right environment can start and lead a meaningful vision. His company has struck a chord with hundreds of thousands who now feel a revival for learning and that their faith in education has been restored.

3. Be concise and focus on the #1 biggest “why.” An effective elevator pitch is quick, concise, and to the point. When others listen to you, you only have a brief window of time to capture their attention and strike their interest before they decide whether or not they can see themselves in your company vision. Appeal to the #1 yearning, or unmet pain point of your target audience in your pitch, and position your company as the solution. Your goal is to instantly create resonance within others’ experience and make them feel like they have found a sense of belonging in your company.

For example, Nike’s vision of everyday greatness has gone viral because it is inclusive to everyone. Nike has met others in an unmet yearning to feel great no matter who they are and where they come from—anyone can put on a pair of sneakers and go for a run and embody greatness. It is attainable to all. “Great companies speak to a higher ideal,” Delosa says. “They enable people to feel like they’re a part of something because your value set aligns with their value set and it forms a common conversation. When you’re genuine and authentic to the ideal, people want to be a part of it.”

This week on the Unconventional Life Podcast, Delosa shares why enrolling others in the “why” behind your business is the most effective way to generate support for your company.

Below, read Delosa’s tips to craft a powerful, 60-second pitch for your business that conveys your purpose and invites others to align with your vision.

1. Understand your audience. In order to create a vision that resonates with others, you need to understand who it is you’re serving and what it is that they crave. “I want to know what frustrates my audience, what problems they have that they talk to their friends about, problems they don’t talk to anyone about, the fears and reluctances that hold them back, their immediate desires and their dreams,” Delosa says.

“Go deep into the hearts and minds of your audience so that you can best speak to them, connect with them, market to them, sell to them, serve them, and retain them.” When you seek to empathize with your audience, you will learn how to strike a chord of resonance with them so they will care about your company and stand behind you.

2. In your pitch, verbalize what your audience craves. “Every great entrepreneur can verbalize things for their audience better than they can for themselves,” Delosa says. “Because they’ve obsessed about it. You need to understand your consumer better than they understand themselves.” Your company’s “why” should speak to something deep within your audience that they want, but haven’t been able to verbalize themselves. Steve Jobs says, “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” In taking the time to understand your audience, you can offer them the “solution” to their innermost yearnings. You can present them an idea that immediately satisfies something deep and unmet.

For example, Delosa’s company, The Entourage, offers consumers who are dissatisfied with traditional education an alternative education, in which anyone with the right commitment to the right environment can start and lead a meaningful vision. His company has struck a chord with hundreds of thousands who now feel a revival for learning and that their faith in education has been restored.

3. Be concise and focus on the #1 biggest “why.” An effective elevator pitch is quick, concise, and to the point. When others listen to you, you only have a brief window of time to capture their attention and strike their interest before they decide whether or not they can see themselves in your company vision. Appeal to the #1 yearning, or unmet pain point of your target audience in your pitch, and position your company as the solution. Your goal is to instantly create resonance within others’ experience and make them feel like they have found a sense of belonging in your company.

For example, Nike’s vision of everyday greatness has gone viral because it is inclusive to everyone. Nike has met others in an unmet yearning to feel great no matter who they are and where they come from—anyone can put on a pair of sneakers and go for a run and embody greatness. It is attainable to all. “Great companies speak to a higher ideal,” Delosa says. “They enable people to feel like they’re a part of something because your value set aligns with their value set and it forms a common conversation. When you’re genuine and authentic to the ideal, people want to be a part of it.”

What about you? What have you been doing to deliver a successfull pitch?


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